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Lovely to meet you, I'm Rachel.

I help ambitious leaders elevate their leadership and ditch burnout for good.

Once upon a time, I was just like YOU! Disconnected, stressed, and exhausted at work, and even worse with my lifestyle... All of that changed about 4 years ago when my body shut down, and I reached a new level of burnout.

I knew I needed to shift, so I radically redesigned my life over 18 months to elevate my leadership. It challenged me in ways I never thought possible, but the results were worth it. Leadership became energizing and we delivered even better results. Life became more effortless and joyful. I started waking up knowing I was living the life I was meant to.

My name is Rachel Marie Korb

I've felt lonely.  I've been bullied. I've burnt out. I've PIVOTED CAREERS.

I've also coached clients who've felt lonely,  collapsed under the pressures of leadership, been intimidated by those in power, struggled with chronic stress and burnout, been laid off, and picked up their lives and moved abroad.

But I've also been a senior leader, coach, and advisor to high-level leaders for the past decade. I've faced the ebbs and flows of life and leadership and coached many ambitious leaders through life-altering experiences, too.

Oh, and I'm a sea lover—snorkel, scuba, surf—anything that gets me into the blue. It instantly brings me calm and presence. 

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Leadership is a lifestyle, not a title, outfit, or credentials.

Originally an educator, I'm a lifelong learner of what it means to be human—from the mind to physiology and how they shape our thoughts, behavior, and life. I've extensively researched (and experimented) with this question: How can holistic lifestyle design propel exceptional leadership? 


You see, the majority never connect life and leadership. They're treated as two separate people—a work person and a life person. Yet, exceptional leaders (who love their lives) deeply understand how the two influence each other. They also know the tiniest shifts in calm clarity, courage, and connection are key to high achievement, and it starts with the body. Specifically the nervous system.


Coaching is powerful and impactful. And I help my clients make these shifts to elevate their leadership and create a life they love.


my 'official' bio

Rachel runs Boldly Unbounded—a leadership company—for ambitious female leaders who want to lead with calm clarity, courage, and connection to elevate their leadership and create a life they love. 


Ambitious leaders who want to influence a new generation of work seek out Rachel. She has worked with founders, C-Suite, senior leadership, and people managers across a variety of industries including education, tech, finance, nonprofit, education, and real estate.


Before founding Boldly Unbounded, Rachel was a people leader for nearly a decade (5 years as a senior leader), leading the People function and scaling remote companies globally. A coach and educator by training, Rachel has a background in intercultural competence, leadership development, Somatics, and mindfulness. She holds a Master's in Education with a focus in experiential learning and an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certification. She also collaborated on a best-selling book, Remote Works: Managing for Freedom, Flexibility, and Focus.


Rachel's vision is for Boldly Unbounded to become a movement that creates a new generation of leadership where gender distinctions blur and traits unite—serving all genders—to create a future where remote workplaces thrive in creativity, impact, psychological safety, wellbeing, engagement, and revenue.


She's a Fractional People Leader, helping remote startups design high-compassion, high-performing workplaces.


Born in the Wisconsin countryside, Rachel spent 4 years in the San Francisco startup world, has lived in 3 countries, and now spends her time at the Barcelona beachside. 

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